For whom to read
The author is no guru and he cannot change your life. Only you can do. As a role-model, he may be able to inspire you to become more conscious, to become clearer in yourself, to have the courage and faith to begin by making changes within yourself, and to find your own way in mastering your world in better ways and making your life more easy. What he can do, you can do. And you can do it even better in your own way
Read about Unearthing Nature's Secret book
Read about JK7-Antistress Spa Sensator™ book
This book is for you to ENJOY, LEARN and ACT UPON, if you
- love genuine and inspiring real-life-stories
- wish to hear and read from others who have mastered difficult situations
- wish to change destructive mindsets and patterns in your life
- wish to learn about successfully conducting ethical business in dealing with nature and health
- intend to become financially independent without becoming political and corrupt
- wish to hear about down-to-earth spirituality and become ego-less
- want to learn how to live in the NOW, in the present
- you wish to learn about when to say stop and about transformation
- you are feeling victimized from fear, sorrow, anger, worry, shame or greed
- you wish to find out more about yourself and make use of that knowledge in a constructive way
- you, as a female, wish to understand men better and live better with them (if you need to), by being realistic without illusions, and being honest with them
- or you, as a male, wish to understand women better and accept them as they are, and to listen and learn from their lateral approach to life whereas men tend to have a linear approach
- learn to face and solve relationship problems while they come up
- to act as an adult who cares, who is assertive and able to express genuine vulnerability and being strong and balanced
- to stop for good the endless repetitive drama in life, playing victim, prosecutor and rescuer with others, only to lose and suffer
- to stop the endless and boundless compulsive, automatic, repetitive noise and clutter in our mind (thoughts and feelings)
- you wish to be able to master a “road less travelled by” in life
- you would like to escape the trap of poverty patterns and develop true wealth for yourself and others
- you are a scientist and wish to learn of the art and depth behind science and matter
- you want to become a healer by using nature’s treasures
- you wish to learn about health, fitness and longevity and put it into practice in your life
- you are interested in modern science in relation to body, mind, psyche, soul and spirit
- you are interested in Alchemy and another perspective of nature, man and cosmos
- you wish to do more more about and care more for the ailing environment, about politics and big business in ‘Global Warning”
- you are interested in complementary and alternative medicine
- you like to read about healing herbs, homeopathy, bio-dynamic and organic farming and gardening
- you want to learn more about schooling children with loving education
- you wish to learn about lateral and parallel thinking to overcome 3,000 years of fruitless reasoning and dialectic thinking which has led to the bias and dangerous problems of today (manifesting in capitalism, communism, power, financial disasters, poverty, obesity, wars, hate, greed etc)
- you really wish to help yourself first and then give help others
- you want to practice targeted charity
Articles Archive
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- Latest article on Relationships
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Latest Comments/Burning Issues
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-“I could do it, you can do so too: from poverty, ill health, fear and pain to stable health, wealth, longevity, fitness and balance in life”
-Jurlique founder tells story of pioneering work in and from Australia and how he created wealth and contributed to people’s awareness and health… more